Players to Watch at Copa 60


Fans often ask, who should we watch at the 2025 Copa? The obvious answer is to keep an eye on seeded players. Who are they? For 2025 the player listing is as follows, 5 days before start of the Main Draw. Remember, the ITF ranking measures points accumulated in ITF tournaments, while the WTN rating measures the quality of play taking into account game differentials and quality of opponents. The lower the WTN rating, the better.

But seeded players do not always win, as in 2024 when Ian MAYEW came out of the Qualy to win the Championship. Sometimes very talented players do not participate in many ITF sanctioned events and hence do not accumulate the points necessary for a seeding. So sometimes there are surprises. Let`s see what happens starting Monday the 13th.  

1Dante PAGANIARG10014.30
2Jack SECORDUSA11814.88
3Fumin JIANGCHN13216.98
4Ronit KARKIUSA13314.03
5Calvin BAIERLUSA13614.22
6Lachian GASKELLUSA14213.75
7Yannik ALVAREZPUR14716.93
1Kaitlyn ROLLSUSA2015.98
2Emma DONGCAN7217.03
3Capucine JAUFFRETUSA7617.33
4Leena FRIEDMANUSA8516.05
5Mariella THAMMGER8614.07
6Julieta PAREJAUSA9112.44
7Giulia SAFINA POPAROU9216.59
8Nancy LEEUSA11018.06


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